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CANCELLED - Centering Racial Healing: A Group Exercise to Move from Race Consciousness to Actionable Intent Online

Sponsoring Institution/Organization
STEM SIG DEI subcommittee


How does our individual racial consciousness influence how we approach STEM education and educational development? How can we come together as a community and support each others’ journey toward racial healing and building a racially just world? In this activity based workshop, we will do selected exercises from the “The Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing” by Anneliese A. Singh through the lens of STEM educational development. We will begin by taking time to dream: what does a racially just world look like at the level of self, our STEM disciplines, our centers and institutions? With the end in mind, we will work through simple activities on what our racial journeys have been, raising our race consciousness and collectively discussing concrete steps to engage in racial healing and small steps toward making the dream a reality.

Learning Outcomes:

Collaborate as a group to develop a shared vision for a racially just world, and what that may look like at the level of centers and institutions.
Recognize how racial identity development and racial healing relates to our work as STEM educational developers and our roles as change agents in our communities and centers.
Identify 2-4 actionable next steps to implement in our racial healing journey.

Optional Pre-Reading:

These readings are not required to attend the workshop but completing them ahead of time will allow you to get the most out of the workshop.

Excerpts from the “The Racial Healing Handbook” by Anneliese A. Singh (please see attached document)
If interested in purchasing full text, here is the link on Amazon.

2. Miller-Kleinhenz, Jasmine M., et al. "Let’s talk about race: changing the conversations around race in academia." Communications biology 4.1 (2021): 902.

For questions, please reach out to Aleya Dhanji, STEM SIG DEI liaison, at adhanji@highline.edu


Fully Online


Online Link and Password
Online Link: https://highline.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvduCqrTsiE9eWM3QRnLDWTOK5Ja2207-C

Aleya Dhanji

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event.
Event URL:
  DEI Topics  

Event Organizer

Caroline Hobbs